How to use the Android app RS-MS1A with "older" D-Star radios IC-2820, IC-92, ID-51, ID-5100) with the serial cable

As of version of the 1.1 Icom app RS-MS1A it becomes possible to use it jointly with one of the "older" radio via serial cable.


The "data chain" to create it's not overcomplicated, but it can imply a bit of luck in finding the right components:


  • Telephone or tablet :
    it must be an "android 4.x" with  USB OTG (Usb On the Go) support. this is a key aspect to make it work with the serial adapter.
  • Cable to connect the phone to the serial adapter
    it MUST be an"USB OTG" cable ( i.e. cheaper USB reduction from USB A to mini USB DO NOT WORK WITH OTG .
  • USB-TO Serial adapater:
    it shall be a model recognized by the phone/tablet. sometimes different adpaters works with different phones -- it can be the same one you use with d-rats
  • Reduction cable compatible with your radio - lately it's a female-serial to mini jack (2.5mm) like the one you use with d-rats

Usare l'app Android RS-MS1A con radio D-Star "datate" (IC-2820, IC-92, ID-51, ID-5100) con cavo seriale

A partire dalla versione 1.1 della app Icom RS-MS1A diventa possibile utilizzare una delle precedenti radio dotata di D-star mediante cavo seriale (ovvero la necessità del cavo opzionale bluetoot, che al momento ci risulta ancora irreperibile -- anche se ovviamente sarebbe piu comodo).


Dalle nostre prove la "catena dati" da creare non è complessa ma richiede un po' di fortuna nel reperire i giusti componenti, ovvero:



  • Telefono o tablet :
    deve essere un "android 4.x" con supporto USB OTG (Usb On the Go). Questo aspetto è fondamentale per poter riconoscere l'adattatore seriale.
  • Cavo di connessione lato telefono:
    deve essere un cavo "USB OTG" ( quanto pare le normali riduzioni da USB A a mini USB NON vanno bene.
  • Adattatore USB-Seriale:
    deve essere un modello riconosciuto dal telefono/tablet.
  • Cavo di riduzione da Seriale a porta dati della radio

How to use it

  1. first of all... read the manual of the app and of your radio
  2. configure the radio as you would do for d.rats (you can test it with d.rats and pc)
  3. install the android RS-MS1A app from the app store
  4. connect the serial adapter  to the phone using the otg cable. the phone will promt you to launch an app... select the RS-MS1A -- if this doesnt happen:
  • feel lucky
  • try with a different OTG adapter
  • check that it all works with d-rats and pc
  • try with different serial adapter
  • try with different phone

once the app loads and gives no error of "no radio"

  1. open the RS-MS1A app and select "other radio"
  2. be sure to insert "mycall" and "your call" in the proper fields otherwise it will not work.


IC-92: data speed to be set at 9200 bps